About Us
Supporting Families
What is a cleft?
What causes a cleft?
Types of Clefts
Dealing with an ultrasound detection
How do we tell our friends and family?
Information sheets
Ultrasound detection
Feelings and emotions
Feeding equipment for a new baby
Post Op feeding – Lip repair
Post Op feeding – Palate repair
Arm Splints
Oral Care
Bottles and Teats
Post Op Feeders
Value Packs
Get Involved
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Media & Links
Cleft Talk Articles
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CleftPals QLD welcomes application from people interested in becoming volunteers at any time of the year. If you are interested in joining out team please complete and submit the below form.
Volunteer Enquiry
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
Volunteer Requirements
Its great the you'd like to help us. There are two strict requirements you must meet in order to volunteer for us.
Are you a financial member of Cleftpals Qld Inc.?
I am a financial member
I am unsure if my membership is current
I am not a financial member but I am happy to join
All volunteers need to be paid financial members. No matter what you select, we'll double check our records. If you aren't a paid financial member, complete the form and head over to our membership page and join now. Annual membership is only $10 per year and this money helps to cover operations costs.
Working with Children
Working with children clearance (Valid Blue Card)
I already have a blue card
I dont have a blue card but see no reason I would be refused clearance.
I am unsure if I would be able to obtain clearance
To work or volunteer with children in Queensland, you need to have a blue card. As Cleftpals QLD Inc. is a service based around providing support to familied with children, it is a mandatory requirement that all of our volunteers are able to obtain working with children clearance. For more information please head to the above link. If you dont have a card and see no reason an application would be refused, we can help you obtain a card under volunteer status.
How I'd like to help
This is where you get to tell us how you'd like to help.
Id like to help by:
President - Executive Committee
Vice President - Executive Committee
Secretary - Executive Committee
Treasurer - Executive Committee (Book keeping/ accounting experience essential)
Bottle and Feeding - General Committee (Book keeping and procurement essential)
Contact Parent Coordinator - General Committee
Social Media Moderator - General Committee
News Letter Editor - General Committee
Grant Writing - Volunteer
Graphic Design - Volunteer
Social Event planner - Volunteer
Support Material Distribution - Volunteer
Fundraising Coordinator - Volunteer
General Help - Volunteer
In order to volunteer, you need to be on our committee. Don't stress!! The work load is as much or as little as you are able to provide. As the saying goes "Many hands make light work". You can select more than one option. Nomination forms will be sent out for position before our Annual General Meeting. We are all volunteers and understand that at times, life gets busy. If this happens, let us now and we'll pass work along to another volunteer who is able to manage it. Please note that some positions require more work than others.
Additional Info
Please feel free to tell us if there is any other way you can help out.
About Us
Supporting Families
What is a cleft?
What causes a cleft?
Types of Clefts
Dealing with an ultrasound detection
How do we tell our friends and family?
Information sheets
Ultrasound detection
Feelings and emotions
Feeding equipment for a new baby
Post Op feeding – Lip repair
Post Op feeding – Palate repair
Arm Splints
Oral Care
Bottles and Teats
Post Op Feeders
Value Packs
Get Involved
Contact us
Media & Links
Cleft Talk Articles
Useful sites